Condition Monitoring Report

To better understand current trends in condition monitoring technology, we commissioned ThoughtLab—a global research firm—to conduct a survey of 500 industry experts across six sectors and five countries. The findings provide valuable market insights into monitoring practices and challenges as the shift toward remote, real-time automated data collection continues.

“It’s a high-value snapshot of where the industry is going,” says Ben Starr, Senior Director, Operations, Bentley Infrastructure IoT. “Remote monitoring is a dense ecosystem. It’s confusing. This report cuts through the complexity to present easy-to-understand, actionable insights.”

Report offers valuable industry insights into condition monitoring

The latest report explores the current landscape of the industry based on input from 500 experts. A few of the most notable highlights include:

  • 67% reported increasing the scope of their monitoring capabilities over the last two years
  • 34% reported increasing the number of monitoring parameters measured since 2021
  • 59% reported time delays from sample collection to receiving analytical lab reports as their biggest pain point


Download the Report